The importance of agronomic and environmental analyses has increased significantly in farming operations over the past half-century. Analyses are used as a key decision-making tool, reconciling production targets and environmentally-friendly technical itineraries. For the last 50 years, Auréa has systematically targeted innovative solutions, providing the basis for a modern agricultural segment, supplying quality food for all while protecting the environment.
Our analytical expertise
Auréa support services to meet your requirements in the field:
- Nutrition and fertilisation (soil, plants, fruits and berries)
- Plant health
- Input quality (water and effluents, fertilisers and amendments, ferti-irrigation)
- Environmental impact (livestock effluent management, regulatory checks)
- Sale of analyses (in-house telemarketing unit)
- Sampling (our team of 130 samplers is available throughout France)
- Agronomic platform: expertises (customised studies), advice, customised studies, training, etc
- Extranet for access to analyses, to track samples and obtain statistical summaries of your analytical databases
- Our agronomists can train your technicians
Our customers :
- Wholesalers
- Cooperatives
- Chamber of agriculture
- Viticulturist
- Arboriculturist
- Market gardeners
- Horticulturists
- Truffle farmers
- Nurseries
- Park and garden managers
- Crop-livestock farmers
- Engineering firms